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"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts." Richard Feynman    
Playful Planets children's book    
Plasma Cosmology    

The purpose of this web site is to provide an introduction to the emerging Plasma Universe paradigm, and to explore some of the many far-reaching implications. A new view of a connected, fractal, and living universe is fast coming into focus. There is much more going on than the haphazard collision of matter posited by the Big Bang hypothesis.

Popular (consensus) science, for the most part, looks on the universe as electrically neutral and purely mechanical; a place where the weak force of gravity holds fort. Plasma Cosmology, by contrast, acknowledges the electrodynamic nature of the universe. Gravity and inertia are NOT the only forces at work.

The history of science, of course, is fraught with controversy. It is important to understand the situation today is no different, even if academia and an uncritical mainstream media opt to parrot orthodoxy.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck
What is Plasma?    

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It differs from solids, liquids and gases in so far as its atoms are divided into free-floating 'negative' electrons and 'positive' ions (an atom which has lost its electron/s). It is sometimes referred to as an ionized gas. Students are generally taught about only three states of matter, and when plasma does get a mention, little importance is assigned. Not only should plasma be added to the list, but the order should be reversed to put it in first place. The reasons for this will become clear.

The term plasma was borrowed from blood plasma in order to describe its almost life-like and self-organising properties.

Plasmas can emit light when under the excitation of electrical and magnetic fields. Polar auroras bear witness to this fact.

  Polar aurora
Where is it?    

Plasma is almost everywhere. At least ninety-nine percent of the known universe is, in fact, matter in its plasma state! The surface of the sun is plasma; not hot gas, which is quite a different thing.

"The forthcoming scientific revolution is presaged by the rapid pace of discoveries about our own star, the Sun, and its total plasma environment."

Plasmas in space consist entirely of ions and electrons, and are thus very energetic or 'hot'. Only when cooled do they form the matter to which we are familiar here on Earth: solids, liquids, and gases. Because plasmas remain electrically charged in space, they are influenced more by electromagnetic forces than gravity. In fact space, once considered mostly empty, has been found to be alive with plasma. Vast flows of charged particles have been discovered spanning hundreds-of-thousands of light years across interstellar space.

The most familiar examples of electrical plasmas here on earth are neon signs and lighting, television screens, and electrical arc welding machines. Fire and Lightning are also forms of Plasma.

  The Sun
What does it do?    

Just about everything! Plasma is an excellent conductor of electricity, and because of its free-flowing electrons its conductive properties far surpass those of copper and gold. Due to its interaction with electromagnetism, plasmas display a complexity in structure far exceeding that of matter in gaseous, liquid, or solid states. It has a tendency to form into cellular and filamentary structures.

These structures derive from the fact that a charged particle flow (or current) produces a ring of magnetic fields around itself, 'pinching' plasma into multi-filamentary strands, as can be seen on both cosmic and more localised scales.

Pictured right is a novelty plasma-lamp typical of those available on the high street.

  Plasma lamp
Mainstream misconceptions    

While conventional astronomy maps magnetism, electric currents are excluded on the mistaken basis that they are of no significance in space.

Working from the inertia of this prior belief, astrophysicists have a tendency to talk in euphemisms. 'Electron rains' and 'clouds of ionized gas' are just two popular examples. From a conservative perspective these terms might seem easier to grasp than the behaviour of more ethereal plasma, but they are, nonetheless, obfuscations. In reality we are talking about electrodynamic phenomena.

It is important to understand that gravity based models were codified before space travel and high powered telescopes, when oil and gas provided lighting. Back then our galaxy, the Milky Way, was considered the entirety of the universe ... and electrically sterile! Instead of trying to shoehorn what we now see into old models, Plasma Cosmology respects the progress of the past, but is not constrained by it. Scientific theories, by definition, are vulnerable to being falsified. Science moves on.

"Students using astrophysical textbooks remain essentially ignorant of even the existence of plasma concepts, despite the fact that some of them have been known for half a century..."
Hannes Alfvén, the Father of Plasma Physics and Plasma Cosmology

  Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and carry on as if nothing ever happened." Winston Churchill
The role of Plasma in The Universe    

Plasma Cosmology has gone beyond hypothesis and analysis. There are problems with part three, of course, experimentation on universal scales, but the fact is that plasmas are highly scalable, and super-computing capabilities have enabled us to model plasma behaviours on galactic scales ... utilising only a few simple formulae. These models are consistent with reality. Big Bang cosmology, on the other hand, fails to adequately account for the 'clumpiness' and filamentary structures that we observe.

"Dark Matter and Dark Energy are the blank cheques required to postpone the falsification of bankrupt theories."
Thunderbolts Project

Plasma cosmology does NOT rely on abstract mathematical modelling or an increasing array of exotic hypotheticals like Dark Matter and Dark Energy!

Plasma Universe

The filamentary universe

Were Sherlock Holmes a Cosmologist, he might have said: "It's Filamentary my Dear Watson."


"It is an embarrassment that the dominant forms of matter in the universe remain hypothetical!" Jim Peebles

A picture can say a thousand words    

The Milky Way galaxy pictured through a standard telescope, left, and a radio telescope, right, revealing its filamentary structure. No dark matter required.

Milkway Way galaxy


"The underlying assumptions of cosmologists today are developed with the most sophisticated mathematical methods and it is only the plasma itself which does not 'understand' how beautiful the theories are and absolutely refuses to obey them." Hannes Alfvén


Gravity vis-à-vis Electromagnetism    
Attracts   Attracts and repels (connected)
Inverse square law   Inverse square law
Surrounds objects   Surrounds objects
Cannot be shielded   Can be shielded (?)
Incredibly weak   Enormously strong
  "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean." Isaac Newton
Electromagnetism, the force we know best, is 10 to the 39th power stronger. That is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stronger!    
Too many remain ob-li-vious to the obvious. The li is that the universe is dominated by gravity alone.    
Back to the Future    

There is actually nothing very new about many of the ideas expressed on this site. At the beginning of the last century many leading scientists saw an improved understanding of electromagnetism as the way forward for astronomy and cosmology, and also the direction most likely to offer a better understanding of gravity. Today, most textbooks dismiss such notions out of hand. It is often claimed that because EM can be shielded, and gravity cannot, they must be unrelated. Furthermore, the force generated by a hand held magnet is often described as insignificant when compared with the gravity of the entire planet. Well, it would be, wouldn't it, much as it would make no sense to compare the strength of a small child with that of a mature elephant. We are talking apples and oranges. Nonetheless, such nonsense is all too often trotted out by textbooks, while the usual talking heads are paraded on television.

“… the underlying assumptions of cosmologists today are developed with the most sophisticated mathematical methods and it is only the plasma itself which does not ‘understand’ how beautiful the theories are and absolutely refuses to obey them.”
Hannes Alfvén

In the early 1900s science took a wrong turn. It is now a field dominated by mathematicians, not scientists, and as Hannes Alfvén — the father of Plasma Physics — pointed out time after time, plasmas stubbornly refuse to obey the elegant laws of mathematics.


"Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little." Bertrand Russell

Plasmas and politics    

Cosmology is known as the Queen of the Sciences because it provides the building blocks for most other scientific disciplines. This adds to the inertia against change. Science should be an adventure but, sadly, competition for funding and devotion to ideology have turned it into something more akin to a protection racket, with an accompanying mindset often referred to as scientism. Grants and prestige are at stake.

Consider the following quotes which highlight the science vis-à-vis science denial farrago we witness today.

"A cosmic jet 2 billion light years away is carrying the highest electric current ever seen: 10^18 amps, equivalent to a trillion bolts of lightning."
Newscientist.com, 2011

"The jets have been shown not to be electric currents, the energy and the physics involved are certainly not electromagnetic."
Phys.org, 2011

No explanation is offered for the second quote. Casual dismissal is considered sufficient, presumably. The trouble is, of course, that once the door is opened to plasmas and electromagnetism there will be no going back, and they know it. Their mathematical equivocations equations will be exposed for what they are — largely unfounded speculations. It will be game over for the dull, reductive, and mechanistic view of the universe.

Plasma Cosmology represents a paradigm shift. It does not claim to have all the answers, but it is pointing in the right direction. The forthcoming revolution in cosmology will herald a new renaissance. Strap in for the ride.

"What we thought we understood of planetary nebulae we no longer do. Something different and dramatic is going on."
Raghavendra Sahai, PhD
Principal Research Scientist


"It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled." Anon






“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” Nikola Tesla